St. Luke's members are involved in a variety of outreach activities. We welcome all to join in and become a part of our 'ohana!
Lucy's Quilting CircleEvery Tuesday, we gather from about 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. for fellowship and to sew clothes and other items for young mothers, their new born babies, and for people in the margins in need of clothing. We break at noon for Noon Day Prayer (from the Book of Common Prayer), and to share a simple meal together. It is part of the ministry of our Women’s Guild led by our wonderful and sweet Pat Pyun. Both men and women are welcome!
Serving the HouselessWe collect canned goods, non-perishable and hygienic items, gently used clothing year round for the houseless community.
On the last Thursday of each month, St. Luke’s members join St. Mary’s Episcopal Church at Moiliili to cook and serve the houseless community in the area from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Volunteers are most welcome. What a beautiful way to make a difference! |
Christmas Baskets for People in NeedEach Christmas, St. Luke’s Church community joins the Episcopal Church Women (ECW) to make Christmas baskets filled with useful items donated by parishioners from St. Luke’s & other local Episcopal churches, and from ECW members for people in need in the wider community.
Annual Mandoo-making FundraiserIn early November each year, St. Luke’s Women’s Guild, under the leadership of Mrs. Pat Pyun and other parishioners, has our annual Mandoo (Korean dumplings) making to raise funds for ministry for our church and outreach service programs. It is a wonderful, joyful community event! Volunteers are most welcome! Please contact Pat at [email protected] for further information.